
Bandeira da Espanha e passaporte Espanhol: Perda da nacionalidade espanhola

Loss of Spanish Nationality: How to Recover It?

Is the loss of Spanish citizenship possible? Yes! Find out how this can happen, how to avoid it, and how to regain it.

Silvia Resende


Silvia Resende

Reading: 5 min

25 de July, 2024

Mão feminina usando calculadores em frente a uma calculadora: residência Fiscal estrategica

Strategic Tax Residency: Advantageous Tax Regimes in Europe

Tem mais de uma nacionalidade? Escolher bem sua residência fiscal pode otimizar obrigações tributárias e transformar sua vida financeira.

Silvia Resende


Silvia Resende

Reading: 5 min

22 de July, 2024

Digital Nomade com computador ao colo na praia

Comparison Digital Nomad Visa Spain or Portugal: Which is Better?

Digital Nomad Visa Spain or Portugal? See the comparison here. What is the difference between the requirements? We compare the Digital Nomad Visa Spain vs. Digital Nomad Visa Portugal: financial requirements, family reunification, demands... Which is the best permit for remote work? Find out!

Silvia Resende


Silvia Resende

Reading: 7 min

14 de July, 2024

Spanish Citizenship: Find Out If You Are Eligible

Learn here how to obtain Spanish citizenship, the main requirements, documents, and the steps of the process.


Atlantic Bridge

Reading: 10 min

10 de July, 2024

Woman working on the beach, she has a digital nomad visa spain

Discover the Spain Digital Nomad Visa

Spain has a visa for digital nomads called the "Visado de Residencia por Teletrabajo." Check the requirements and how to apply.


Atlantic Bridge

Reading: 8 min

3 de July, 2024

Advantages of Spanish Citizenship

Advantages of Spanish Citizenship: free movement in the Schengen Area, access to Spain's social services, work and study opportunities in Europe, etc.


Atlantic Bridge

Reading: 3 min

1 de July, 2024

Casa Espanha Girona

Buying Property in Spain: House Prices

Buying a property in Spain is a great investment. Learn how to buy, finance, the required documents, and the house prices.

Silvia Resende


Silvia Resende

Reading: 5 min

26 de June, 2024

Flags of US and Spain: Double Citizenship

Spanish and U.S. Dual Citizenship: Does Spanish Nationality Affect US Status?

Having this new citizenship mean losing American nationality? Find out when and how it is possible to have dual Spanish-American citizenship.

Silvia Resende


Silvia Resende

Reading: 4 min

21 de June, 2024

Carrinho em supermercado: custo de vida na Espanha

Cost of Living in Spain: How much it costs to live in the country in 2024?

Discover the cost of living in Spain. What is the average salary in the country? See the price of rent, education, transportation and more.

Silvia Resende


Silvia Resende

Reading: 5 min

16 de May, 2024

Golden Visa Spain: Complete Guide 2024

The Spanish Golden Visa was one of the most successful in the world, both for practicality and efficiency. Learn about the latest updates and implications.


Atlantic Bridge

Reading: 7 min

9 de April, 2024