Discover the Spain Digital Nomad Visa

3 de July, 2024

Discover the Spain Digital Nomad Visa

Spain has a visa for digital nomads called the "Visado de Residencia por Teletrabajo." Check the requirements and how to apply.
Woman working on the beach, she has a digital nomad visa spain
Reading: 8 min

More and more of us are working using a computer. For this reason, remote work is already a global reality. It is estimated that there are now more than 35 million people working this way. Currently, these professionals have an extra advantage: they can count on remote work visas offered by various countries, allowing them to combine their professional activities with travel. These visas, which grant legal residence in new countries, are also a path to achieving dual citizenship; in this case, we are talking about Spanish citizenship

In this article, we will introduce Digital Nomad Visa Spain, called Visado de Residencia por Teletrabajo. Find out who can apply for it, the minimum income required, and other requirements.

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What does it mean to be a Digital Nomad?

A digital nomad is a person who uses technology and the internet to work remotely while traveling and living in different places around the world. This lifestyle allows individuals not to be tied to a specific geographic location, giving them the freedom to choose different cities to live in.

Digital nomads typically work in professions or occupations that can be done online. This includes freelancers, entrepreneurs, bloggers, web developers, designers, digital marketers, IT professionals, among others.

Portugal also has a Remote Working Visa. Find out more by clicking here!

What is the Visa created for Digital Nomads?

The Remote Working Visa is a visa that grants digital nomads permission to work in a specific country, in this case Spain, even if their employers or clients are located elsewhere.

This type of visa can be very attractive for professionals who want to live and work in a different environment, taking advantage of the flexibility offered by remote work to get to know new places, people, and cultures.

Who can apply for the Spain Digital Nomad Visa?

This visa is indicated for professionals from outside the European Union who want to work remotely from Spain for companies located abroad:

  • Professionals who have, for at least 3 months, a subordinate work contract for a non-Spanish company that has existed for at least 1 year;
  • Self-employed professionals , freelancers, and independent workers who provide services for companies abroad, as long as they can prove that the employment relationship can be exercised remotely.

According to the law, self-employed digital nomads are not prohibited from working for Spanish companies. However, they must dedicate at least 80% of their professional activities to companies located outside the country.

Also, in Spain, unlike the Portuguese Remote Work Visa , freelance workers must be paid as individuals. They cannot be paid through a legal entity created by the professional himself.

What are the financial requirements for the Digital Nomad Visa?

The main requirement to apply for a Remote Work Visa in Spain is prove an income from remote work.

This minimum income requirement is 200% of the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI), which is currently 2,646 euros in 2024.

The value of the SMI is adjusted frequently. The SMI for 2024 is 15,876 euros per year, in 14 payments which would be 1,134 euros per month, but normally outside of Spain this form of payment is not used, so it must be adjusted to 12 payments per year, the value being 1,323. It is on the basis of this value that the calculations are made. The above figure is calculated using the following formula:

€1,134 x 14 salaries per year / 12 months x 200% = €2,646

Important: This amount only corresponds to the main visa applicant. Want to bring your family? See the additional amounts below!

Is it necessary to have money deposited in a Spanish bank?

This is a common—and controversial—question! Unlike the Spanish Retirement Visa (known as the Non-Lucrative Visa), the remote work visa does not legally require the applicant to have the equivalent of an annual income deposited in a bank account.

However, it is always highly recommended to have at least 20% of this total amount in a bank. And it doesn’t need to be a Spanish bank (although it is preferable if it is).

Therefore, to reiterate: it is not mandatory to have the amount in the bank, but having it increases the chances of your visa being approved.

Nonetheless, it is important to note that not having savings does not make the application unfeasible.

Are family members also eligible for Nomad Visa?

Family reunification is also provided for in the case of the Spain Digital Nomad Visa. The family members that can be included in the visa application are:

  • Spouses or partners (stable union proven for more than 2 years);
  • Minor children or stepchildren;
  • Children or stepchildren with disabilities or under responsibility, provided they cannot provide for their own needs due to their health condition;
  • Parents or in-laws over the age of 65, as long as they are under their responsibility and there are reasons that justify the need to authorize their residence in Spain.

Note that adult children can only be included in exceptional cases, when they have some kind of disability or health problem that prevents them from living alone.

Financial Requirements for Regrouped

In addition to the 200% of the SMI required for the main visa applicant, you must add to this amount another 75% of the SMI for the first family member to be reunited. From the third member onwards, consider 25% of the SMI.

Therefore, the minimum monthly requirement will be:

  • Main Applicant (200% of the SMI) = 2,646 €
  • First family member reunited (75% of the SMI) = 945 €
  • Other regrouped family members (25% of the SMI) = 315 €
Number of ApplicantsAmount to be proven
Single Applicant2.646 € /month
Couple2.646 € + 992,50€ / month
Couple with 1 Child2.646 € + 992,50€ + 330,75€ / month
Couple with 2 Children2.646 € 992,50 + 330,75€ + 330,75€ / month

Additional Requirements

There are other conditions or criteria that must be met/presented to apply for the Digital Nomad Visa:

  • Undergraduate or graduate diploma from a prestigious university college or prestigious business school. The candidate must have at least 3 years of professional experience in their current field of activity.
  • Letter from the foreign company, authorizing the work to be done from Spain. The document must describe the job profile, the main functions, and an express statement that it can be performed by telematic means. It is also important to state the salary amount to be received in euros, and the conditions under which the activity will be carried out remotely.
  • International medical insurance This insurance must be taken out with entities authorized to operate in Spain and have unlimited coverage (no waiting period). The insurance must cover the main applicant and his reunited family members;
  • Certificate of criminal background clean: Applicants cannot be in Spanish territory illegally, nor have a criminal record in Spain or in any country where they have resided in the last 5 years.
  • Medical certificate informing that the applicants have no serious illnesses, contagious or that represent a risk to Spanish national public health.

To see the complete list of documents required for this visa, access the Spanish government’s website by clicking here here.

Can the Digital Nomad apply for Spanish Citizenship?

The remote worker who lives legally in Spain will also have the possibility to apply for Spanish citizenship. He must meet the minimum residency period required by the Spanish government. This period, which is 10 years, can be reduced in some cases:

  • 10 years of continuous legal residence in Spain (standard term);
  • 5 years of continuous legal residence in Spain for refugees and stateless persons;
  • 2 years of residence for individuals of Ibero-American origin;
  • 1 year of continuous legal residence in Spain for foreigners married to Spaniards, children and grandchildren of Spaniards born outside Spain and who could not opt for Spanish citizenship, and born in Spain.

It is important to emphasize that in order to obtain Spanish citizenship and enjoy all of its advantages the candidate must take the general knowledge tests on Spanish culture and language, known as CCSE and DELE .

What are the benefits of being a Digital Nomad in Spain?

Among the main advantages of being a remote worker in Spain we can mention:

1. Authorization to Live and Work in Spain

The remote working visa grants the digital nomad legal authorization to work in Spanish territory, offering legal security and avoiding immigration problems.

2. Access to the European Space

With the remote working visa in Spain, the digital nomad also has access to free movement within the European area, allowing him to travel and work in other countries of the European Union without the need to apply for additional visas.

3. Cultural Experience

Spain is rich in cultural events, festivals, art exhibitions and live music. Living in the country is an opportunity to learn about new customs, languages and traditions, broadening both your personal and professional horizons.

4. Infrastructure and Quality of Life

Spain offers security, a great climate, a modern infrastructure, quality services, good public transportation, and healthcare. This standard of living is very attractive, facilitating professional activities and providing a favorable environment for personal well-being.

5. Large Community of Digital Nomads

Spain has become a popular destination for digital nomads, with a growing community of professionals with a similar lifestyle. In addition, its major cities already offer a variety of well-equipped coworking spaces, providing networking opportunities.

6. Internet Speed

Spain has excellent 4G coverage in most of the country, and some of the fastest Internet speeds in Europe. The Spanish fixed-band average is around 185Mbps. Spain ranks 9th in the Speedtest Global Index. This is more than double the speed of the UK, which is 75Mbps. At the European level, Spain is second only to Denmark!

7. Low Cost of Living

The digital nomad can enjoy an excellent quality of life with a low cost of living. Spain is still one of the countries with the lowest cost of living in Europe.

8. Strategic Location

Spain is a strategic point between Europe, Africa and America, making it a hub for international connections. Great for professionals who need to travel frequently for business.

Need Help Applying for Your Visa?

Spain is a highly attractive destination for digital nomads. If you meet the mentioned requirements and are considering applying for a Remote Working Visa, do not miss this opportunity. However, it is important to be aware that the visa application process can involve specific requirements and complex tax issues. That’s where Atlantic Bridge, a firm specializing in Global Moving, comes in. With its expertise in consulting for expatriates and digital nomads, Atlantic Bridge offers support in obtaining residence visas and in tax regularization in several European countries.

Our consultants are available to answer your questions and provide you with customized information. Don’t waste time! Click here to request a free evaluation with our specialists!



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