All About Non-Lucrative Visa: The Spanish D7

15 de March, 2023

All About Non-Lucrative Visa: The Spanish D7

Spain offers a visa designed for those who can sustain themselves without the need to work in the country: the Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa.
Reading: 7 min

Spain is a great country to live in. Its mild climate, award-winning cuisine, and charming cultural atmosphere have attracted many foreigners who wish to reside in Europe. The country currently has a visa especially aimed at those who have sufficient financial resources to stay in the country. This is the Spanish Visa for Temporary Non-Lucrative Residence (Visado de Residencia No Lucrativa). It grants a residence permit with an initial duration of 1 year, and can be renewed. It is also known as the Spanish D7, because it is very similar to the Portuguese D7 Visa. It is ideal for retirees, investors and holders of passive income.

Clarify now all your doubts about the Spanish Non-Lucrative Temporary Residence Visa.

What is the Spain Non-Lucrative Visa?

The Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa is a visa recommended to foreigners who wish to reside in Spain without engaging in lucrative activities (labor or professional) in the country, provided they can prove to have guaranteed and sufficient means of subsistence.

For whom is the Non-Lucrative Visa Spain recommended?

For non-EU citizens who would like to live in Spain, and have enough financial resources to support themselves in Spain without having to work, such as retirees, pensioners or investors.

It is also recommended for those who would like to live one year in Spain without working, but with the possibility of obtaining a work permit after this period. This is because this visa provides for the possibility of obtaining a work permit after the first year of validity of the residence permit.

Also, get to know the Spain Golden Visa, granting residency authorization for those who invest 500 thousand euros in the country.

Do you want to live in Europe?

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Spain Retirement Visa Requirements

The main requirement is to prove that you have sufficient financial means to cover the costs of residing in Spain during the initial year of the residence permit and have a regular source of income for yourself and, if applicable, accompanying family members.

Spain Non Lucrative Visa Income Requirements

Financial Requirements:

You must prove an income in the monthly amount of 400% of IPREM, the Public Multi-effects Income Indicator. This indicator is readjusted annually. In 2023 it is 600 euros, so you would need 2,400 euros per month. Multiplied by the 12-month validity of the first residence permit, the total amount is 28,800 per year for the main applicant.

If the applicant wishes to bring a family member with him, it is necessary to add an additional amount of 100% of IPREM (600€) for each of them. For a one-year period, the total amount for each member of the household is 7,200€.

In brief:

Main applicant: 2,400 euros per month, 28,000 euros.

A family consisting of a couple and two children will have to prove an annual income of €72,000.

Other requirements:

It is also necessary to have a health insurance policy with a Spanish company, with full coverage in Spanish territory (and without coparticipation).

The candidate must also have a clean record, that is, no criminal convictions.

Map of Spain
Map of Portugal and Spain: Neighboring Countries

What is the validity of the Non-Lucrative Residence Permit?

The first residence permit will be valid for one year. At the end of this period it will be necessary to renew it. In this case, the new permit will be valid for two years.

Please note that the renewal application must be submitted 60 days before or 90 days after the expiration of the card.

Another detail is that at the time of renewal the applicant must again prove sufficient financial means. However, this time, since the new permit will be valid for twice as long, it will also be necessary to prove double the amount.

Is it possible to invest in Spain with Non-Lucrative Residency Visa?

Yes, although this visa does not allow you to work in the country, you can make investments. For example, you can invest in stocks or funds for an extra source of income.

However, if your main goal is to make investments, be sure to learn more about the Golden Visa Spain program.

What are the main documents required to apply for the Non-Lucrative Visa?

  • Copy of Passport;
  • Copy of birth certificate;
  • Medical Certificate;
  • Health insurance contracted with a private Spanish company
  • Proof of funds;
  • Criminal Records (issued by the country -or countries- where the applicant has resided in the 5 years prior to the submission of the visa application).

Importantly, all documents must be in the Spanish language, regardless of where the application is submitted.

How long does the application process take?

First of all, you will need to present all the necessary documentation to the Spanish Consulate located in your country of residence. You will receive a positive or negative answer from them within 3 months, starting from the day after the date of submission of the application. This deadline can be extended when additional documents are requested or an interview is held

After a positive response, you will receive your visa. It must be picked up personally by the interested party or their legal representative (if a minor), within 1 month, starting from the day after the date of notification of the favorable decision.

The document will allow its bearer to travel to Spain to register in any city or town in the country, register his fingerprints, and obtain his residence permit. After. The visa will be valid for 90 days. Once in Spain, you should apply for the Foreigner Identity Card (TIE) within 1 month of entering Spain.

Is it possible to have family reunification?

Yes, the Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa allows you to bring your family, but remember that in this case the minimum income to be proven will be adapted to the number of members in the household.

You are allowed to regroup:

  • Spouse or partner of the applicant;
  • Children of the applicant and spouse, minors, including adopted children;
  • Children of the applicant and spouse, of full age, dependent or incapacitated;
  • Parents of the applicant and spouse, provided they are over 65 and dependent.
Plaza de España in Sevilla
Plaza de España in Sevilla

Is it possible to request Spanish citizenship by length of residence?

Yes, the minimum length of residence required to apply for Spanish citizenship varies, depending on each case.

For most foreigners it is necessary to have resided legally and continuously in Spain for at least 10 years.

But there are situations in which the period of residence can be reduced to only 2 years. This is the case for nationals of Ibero-American countries (including Brazil), as well as Andorra, the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, and also Portugal. People of Sephardic origin also benefit.

Is it possible for a non-resident foreigner to open a bank account in Spain?

Yes, a foreigner who is not resident in Spain can open a bank account. To do so, they must go to a bank branch, carrying an identification document (usually a passport) and the Non-Resident Certificate.

Other documents may be required, depending on the product to be hired. To obtain the Certificate of Non-Resident, you must go with your passport to the nearest Police Station or Foreigners’ Office with the corresponding forms and pay a fee. If the person concerned is abroad, you can apply for it through the Spanish consular offices abroad. The certificate takes about a week to be issued and is valid for three months.

What is the price of the Spanish Non-Lucrative Visa?

The amount depends on the applicant’s country of origin. The fees are different for reasons of reciprocity, ranging from €80 to €140. For Brazil, the visa fee is €80. Citizens from the USA pay 140€.

What are the advantages of living in Spain?

Spain is a country that offers many advantages for those who wish to reside abroad. As one of the largest economies in the European Union, Spain offers many opportunities for work and study in various fields, as well as a well-developed health and social security system. The quality of life is also excellent, with a pleasant climate, spectacular beaches, a vibrant culture and rich and varied cuisine. In addition, Spain has a relatively easy and accessible immigration process, allowing foreigners to reside in the country with ease. In addition, Spain is located in a privileged geographical position, allowing easy access to other countries in Europe and around the world. These factors combined make Spain an excellent option for those seeking a new life experience in a developed country that is welcoming and full of opportunities.

Want to live in Spain? Talk to our experts!



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