D8 Portugal Digital Nomad Visa: How to Apply

10 de July, 2023

D8 Portugal Digital Nomad Visa: How to Apply

Portugal has a digital nomad visa. Its main requirement is to have an average monthly income of 3,280 euros.
Reading: 6 min

Remote workers are welcome in Portugal and can plan a stay in the country. Portugal has a Digital Nomad Visa (or Remote Work Visa) in effect since October 2022. The visa allows digital nomads to live in the country while remotely carrying out their professional activities for foreign companies. In other words: to work abroad from Portugal!

Before its creation, many Portuguese consulates around the world were issuing the  D7 Visa  for those wishing to work remotely from Portugal. However, the D7 Visa is a type of visa originally intended for holders of passive income, which is not the case for digital nomads. Therefore, aiming to attract income from abroad, the Portuguese government created a specific visa targeted towards this audience. Find out here how it works, how to apply and what its requirements will be.

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What are Digital Nomads?

Digital nomads are professionals who work online and do not need to attend a physical office to perform their activities. This allows them to have employment contracts in their home countries while carrying out their work from anywhere on the planet.

It is estimated that 35 million professionals worldwide have embraced the nomadic lifestyle, according to the Global Migration Trends Report  2022. It is expected that one billion people will adopt this mode of work by 2035.

Portugal has already been considered  one of the best destinations in the world for remote workers  and some regions of the country are already investing in this audience. One example is Ponta do Sol, on the island of Madeira, where the headquarters of Europe’s first digital nomad village, the Digital Nomad Village, is located. According to a survey conducted by the real estate broker Global Savillis, the Portuguese capital Lisbon was voted the best city to work in this model, followed by Miami, in the USA.

Read also: Discover the Digital Nomad Visa Spain!

Computer in an ideal bucolic setting for remote work and D8 visa for digital nomads.

Who can apply for the Portugal Digital Nomad Visa?

The Remote Work Visa can be requested by professionals who are not citizens of the European Union and wish to migrate to Portugal for the purpose of performing salaried work or independent professional activity for companies located abroad. It is necessary to meet the minimum requirements described below.

Want to Live as a Digital Nomad in Portugal? Talk to an Expert

What is the minimum income required for Digital Nomad Visa?

The main rule to apply for the Remote Work Visa is to have an average monthly income equivalent to four times the current Portuguese minimum wage (4 x 820 euros). 
That is, a monthly stable income of at least 3,280 euros (in 2024)
, for the main applicant.

Discover Spain Digital Nomad Visa

Rules to prove the remote work for Digital Nomad Visa

You need to provide one of the following documents as proof of average monthly income for the last three months of work.

For salaried remote work:

  • Employment contract;
  • Employer statement proving the employment relationship;

For independent professional activity:

  • Company contract (partnership agreement);
  • Contract for services;
  • Written proposal for a service provision contract;
  • Demonstrative document of services provided to one or more entities;

Find out what it’s like to be a Digital Nomad in Lisbon

Digital Nomad Visa provides for family reunification?

Yes. The following family members can be reunited:

  • spouses or partners (with proven stable union for more than 2 years)
  • minor children
  • dependent, single and studying older children
  • parents and in-laws, over 65 years old or economically dependent

Financial requirements for family members

Regarding the values ​​to be proven for family reunification, two different values ​​come into play:

1. Monthly salary amount

This is the salary amount to be proven according to the income tax declaration. In the case of the Digital Nomad Visa, the minimum monthly income required for the main applicant already covers dependents/family members.

Main Applicant: 4 x Minimum Wage (MW) = €3,280

2. Value for proof of means of subsistence

To prove that the applicant will be able to stay in Portugal, at the time of applying for a Residence Permit with AIMA, the applicant must also have money deposited in a current account with a Portuguese bank. It should be noted that this money does not have to remain in the investor’s account for the entire year. It can be used as the applicant wishes once they have obtained their residence permit. The average amount to be submitted is as follows:

Number of ApplicantsAmount to be deposited
Single Applicant€9,840
Couple with 1 Child€17,712
Couple with 2 Children€20,664


Additional requirements to apply for the Digital Nomad Visa in Portugal

  • Medical insurance for international travel, valid for at least one year and minimum coverage of 30,000 euros.
  • Certificate of criminal record, without convictions for crimes that in Portugal would be punishable with deprivation of liberty lasting more than 1 year, regardless of whether or not the sentence has been served.
  • Proof of accommodation

What is the validity of the remote work visa?

There are two categories of visas in Portugal, concerning their duration:

The Temporary Stay Visa (VET) will grant the right to reside in the country for a period of up to 12 months. Perfect for nomads who are used to spending shorter periods of time in different countries, traveling around the world in search of new scenarios and experiences.

The Residence Visa grants the right to a two-year temporary residence permit, renewable for another 3 years. After living in the country for a total of 5 years, the individual can apply for permanent residency and live in Portugal for as long as they wish.

What is the price of a Digital Nomad Visa?

The  consular fee for a Temporary Stay Visa (VET) is €75.

The consular fee for the Residence Visa, which lasts more than a year, is 90€. In addition, a further fee will be charged for issuing the Residence Permit, which is €127.20 (citizens of CPLP countries – Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries – pay less: €56.80 for the permit).

Attention: These values are subject to constant updates, so be sure to check the current rate.

What are the advantages of working abroad from Portugal?

It´s no wonder that Portugal is a popular destination for Digital Nomads. The advantages are many and go beyond the low cost of living and the mild climate. Portugal is also known for its security, excellent cuisine and high-speed internet. A large number of Portuguese speak English well, in addition to languages ​​such as Spanish and French. The country also has an easy connection with the main European cities, with 10 airports: Porto, Lisbon, Faro (the main ones), Beja, Madeira, Porto Santo, Ponta Delgada, Santa Maria, Horta and Flores.

Not to mention that, when living legally in Portugal, the digital nomad will be allowed to travel visa-free throughout the “Schengen Area”, an area created by convention between 26 European countries in which there are no border or customs controls.

Finally, after residing legally in Portugal for 5 years, the remote worker can apply for permanent residency or Portuguese citizenship and enjoy all its benefits.

If you are interested in exercising your professional activity remotely, in Portugal, talk to our consultants now  and ask for your visa!

Want to Live as a Digital Nomad in Portugal? Talk to an Expert

Silvia Resende


Silvia Resende

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