Golden Visa Portugal Through Investment Funds

22 de February, 2024

Golden Visa Portugal Through Investment Funds

How much do I need to invest in funds to access the Golden Visa Portugal? Currently, a minimum contribution of €500,000.00 is required.
Reading: 5 min

The Golden Visa Portugal is a residence by investment program that offers non-European Union citizens the opportunity to obtain residency and citizenship in Portugal. In 2023, the program underwent significant changes. One of the main changes was the elimination of the option to invest in residential real estate for new applicants. Thus, the investment option in investment funds became the simplest and most popular alternative of the program. In this article, we will explore in detail the Golden Visa Portugal through investment funds.

Want to learn more about the Golden Visa? Click Here To Talk To An Expert >

Advantages of the Golden Visa Portugal

The Residence Permit for Investment Activity (ARI) program in Portugal – known as the Golden Visa – is now a highly attractive option for investors worldwide. It has been considered the most advantageous program in the world in this category.

In addition to the advantages of investing in a country like Portugal, which is currently experiencing an excellent economic moment and is in full expansion, the Golden Visa program guarantees a series of benefits for its applicants and their families.

The greatest of these is undoubtedly the possibility of applying for Portuguese citizenship after the 5-year investment period, ensuring access to one of the most valuable passports in the world, allowing free movement in 191 countries.

Other advantages include:

  • Offers various investment options;
  • Has a broad family reunification concept;
  • Allows, but does not require, residence in Portugal;
  • Authorizes work in the country;
  • Provides access to Portuguese public health and education services;
  • Grants freedom to travel to 191 countries worldwide, without the need for a visa;
  • Allows the application for a Portuguese passport after 5 years of investment.

Discover all the advantages of the Golden Visa Portugal.

Golden Visa through Investment Funds: How much to invest?

Currently, investment in investment funds for Golden Visa purposes requires a 500.000,00 in units.

Such investment funds or venture capital funds must be aimed at capitalizing companies under Portuguese law, have a minimum maturity of 5 years and at least 60% of their value realized in commercial companies based in national territory.

What are the Advantages of Investment Funds?

An investment fund is a financial product that aggregates the interests of several investors in a specific theme. In practice, the funds hold money from these investors, through the provision of quotas, with the aim of investing in a pre-defined strategy, being managed by an administrative entity, with regulation and supervision by the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

Variety of Products Available

Currently, there are funds specially tailored to the Golden Visa market, offering a variety of financial products to suit different preferences: operations in the healthcare sector, investments in startups, operations with wineries, renewable energy, and more.

For instance, in the hospitality sector, there are funds available for those interested in investing in projects aimed at developing Portugal’s hotel industry through hotel management companies. In addition to the opportunity to receive a percentage of the income generated by operating a resort, for example, some also grant the right to enjoy the facilities, with guaranteed access to accommodations at the time of contracting. It’s worth noting that the tourism market in the country has resumed growth after the pause caused by the pandemic.

There are also a variety of fund options for those looking to invest in private healthcare companies, clinics, and hospitals. The healthcare segment has been growing in Portugal, and the post-pandemic period looks promising as well.

Another type of fund eligible for the Golden Visa that has attracted the attention of many investors focuses on projects in vineyards and wine production, as well as forestry, starting with cork, the raw material for corks. This fund offers a profitable sustainability proposition and aims to reduce personal impact on the environment and social structure for future generations. Portugal is currently the 9th largest wine exporter in the world, and its brands are among the most internationally recognized. And for investors seeking a more traditional approach, there are funds that invest in leading Portuguese companies listed on the stock exchange, which experts believe will be a rapidly growing market in the coming years.

Talk to our consultants and find out about the different investment funds eligible for the Golden Visa.

Attractive profitability and strong currency

The expected annual return varies according to the type of asset and its greater or lesser appetite for risk. However, on average, these products present a very attractive profitability: on average 3% to 7% p/a.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that they are investments made in strong and not very volatile currencies, which implies a low risk of asset value loss due to exchange rate variation.

Simplified Bureaucracy

Regarding bureaucratic issues, the realization of the investment basically requires that the investor has a NIF and an open bank account in Portugal. The funds are quite used to making investments by foreigners, making the operation simple and fast.

For Golden Visa application purposes, the investment is essentially proven through a declaration of the fund management unit regarding the acquisition of quotas (subscription), which also makes this process quicker as far as the documental survey is concerned.

Asset Management

There is also a practicality in the sense that the management entities do the management of the capital invested. This implies that the investor does not need to worry about the direct management of his investment, as there are specialists responsible for this.

Fees and Taxes

Finally, there is also the advantage of the reduction in transaction costs and taxes arising from the investment, when compared with a classic real estate investment:

  1. No brokerage costs;
  2. Absence of taxes payable on the realization and maintenance of the investment (in particular IMT and IMI when compared to a real estate asset);

For those who aim to obtain a Golden Visa and a European citizenship, Portugal offers an extremely attractive path with many investment options. The option to invest in funds has become increasingly popular for the reasons explained above. The possibility of recovering the amount invested after the 5-year period, with profitability and, on top of that, having access to dual citizenship has attracted investors from various parts of the world.

Golden Visa Portugal voted the Best in the World

If you also want to invest in funds and apply for the Golden Visa Portugal, talk to our consultants. At Atlantic Bridge we offer all the clarification, tax advice and support in submitting the application, ensuring your comfort and security throughout the process.

Want to learn more about the Golden Visa? Click Here To Talk To An Expert >

Talk now with a specialist and enjoy all that Portugal has to offer you and your family.



Atlantic Bridge

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