How to Help Rio Grande do Sul

15 de May, 2024

How to Help Rio Grande do Sul

We have gathered here some organizations and NGOs that are working to help the victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil.
Enchentes no Rio Grande do Sul: Como ajudar
Reading: 4 min

The population of southern Brazil needs all types of donations to face the worst flood in its history. In this article, learn how to help Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Whether with your time, knowledge, or donations in money or items, every contribution is welcome. Get to know the main reliable institutions that are collaborating and how you can support them.

What’s Happening in RS?

The state of Rio Grande do Sul is facing an unprecedented crisis due to intense rains that began on April 29, 2024. A state of public calamity was declared on May 5. The floods peaked on May 10, when the level of the Guaíba River surpassed the historic flood of 1941.

The heavy and persistent rains resulted in the overflow of rivers and streams, as well as the breach of several dams. So far, 446 out of the 497 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul have been affected by the floods, causing widespread destruction. Dozens of rivers overflowed, affecting important areas such as Jacuí, Ijuí, Taquari, Caí, Santa Maria, Passo Fundo, Pelotas, Jacuí-Guaçu, and Guaíba. Houses, bridges, roads, and other infrastructure were damaged or destroyed.

As of May 14, 147 deaths, 127 missing persons, and 806 injuries have been recorded. More than 2.1 million people were affected by the floods, with over 619 thousand needing to leave their homes. Many have lost their homes, family members, jobs, or access to essential public services such as hospitals and schools, or have no access to water and electricity supply. Moreover, temperatures are dropping, with some cities recording below-zero temperatures.

Although the water level is receding in most rivers, it remains high in many regions. Rescue and relief teams are operating in the affected areas. Support and assistance are being provided by federal, state, and municipal governments, as well as non-governmental organizations, to help flood victims.

Membros da Força Aérea Brasileira, reunindo doações para ajudar o Rio Grande do Sul

How You Can Support Humanitarian Campaigns

There are several ways to help. You can offer a monetary donation or donate needed items. Below are some brazilian organizations and NGOs working to help flood victims.

How to assist by Donating Money to Rio Grande do Sul (RS)

  • Campo Bom para Cachorro: This NGO has already rescued more than 5,600 animals in floods in Rio Grande do Sul. Donations can be made via PIX to the email [email protected] or to CNPJ: 24.494.672/0001-69. For more information, visit their Instagram page: Instagram: Campo Bom para Cachorro.
  • Ação da Cidadania: This NGO has created a special account to help the population of Rio Grande do Sul. Donations can be made via PIX to the email e-mail [email protected]. For more information, visit: Ação da Cidadania.
  • Movimento União BR: Donations can be made via PIX to the email: [email protected]. For bank transfers, use: Solidarity Connection Institute, CNPJ 41.358.903/0001-26, Caixa Econômica Federal bank, branch 3018, Operation 003, Account 2417-2. For more information, visit: Movimento União BR.

How to contribute with Food, Clothing, and Hygiene Items to Rio Grande do Sul (RS)

  • Post Offices: Post offices in various states are accepting donations for flood victims in Rio Grande do Sul. Donations such as food, personal hygiene products, cleaning materials, bedding, and pet food are accepted. For more information, call: 0800 725 0100.

How to Help Rio Grande do Sul (RS) becoming a Volunteer

The State Coordination of Civil Protection and Defense of Rio Grande do Sul has launched a form for volunteers who wish to work on tasks such as organizing, selecting, and screening humanitarian aid donations. Simply fill out the registration form at the link: https://casamilitar-rs.com.br/voluntariado/ .

How to Support Rio Grande do Sul (RS) from Portugal

A group of Brazilians living in Portugal has also come together to support RS, raising money and items such as: small water bottles, geriatric and infant diapers, bed linen, cushions (pillows), bath towels, vacuum-packed mattresses, winter clothes and shoes, socks, underwear, and personal hygiene products. The Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and the Ministry of Ports and Airports (MPor) are coordinating with the Portuguese Air Force a logistical plan to transport these donations. More information on the group’s official Instagram.

How to Help Rio Grande do Sul (RS) Overseas

Banco Standard Chartered
Bank Frankfurt
Account: 007358304

Dollar Zone
Banco Standard Chartered
Bank New York
Swift: SCBLUS33
Account: 3544032986001

For both cases, it is necessary to inform:

IBAN code: BR5392702067001000645423206C1
Name: Associação dos Bancos no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
CNPJ: 92.958.800/0001-38

How to Protect Yourself from Fake Institutions

Before donating to non-governmental organizations, always take these precautions:

  • Check the official websites and profiles of the entities, looking for previous projects, accountability pages, and the presence of volunteers working on floods.
  • Research the entity’s performance records in press reports and local news sources.
  • Observe the destination data of the donation and, if necessary, consult the receiving entity.
  • Stay updated on the entity’s actions on social media and demand transparency in the use of resources.

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Silvia Resende


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