Student Visa Spain: How to Apply for Yours

25 de January, 2024

Student Visa Spain: How to Apply for Yours

Learn everything about the Student Visa for Spain. Discover who needs this visa, what documents are required, and how to apply for yours!
Jovens sentados no chao: visto de estudante para Espanha
Reading: 6 min

Finally received the email from your dream university in Spain, confirming your admission to that course you’ve been longing to take? Before packing your bags and embarking on this academic journey, there’s an important detail to address: the student visa Spain. It is essential to ensure the legality of your stay in the country during the study period.

In this article, we will explore together the process of obtaining a student visa for Spain. Discover who needs this visa, how it works, its requirements, the required documentation, and the step-by-step guide so that you can arrive in the country with peace of mind!

Conheça aqui as principais cidades da Espanha!

Do you need a visa to study in Spain?

Yes, if you do not have Spanish citizenship and plan to study in Spain for more than 90 days, you need to have a student visa. In the case of courses with a duration of up to 90 days, students are exempt from a visa, as this period falls within the tourist stay timeframe.

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What is a Spanish student visa for?

The student visa for Spain is a document that allows foreign students to stay in the country for more than 90 days for the purpose of studies, training, internships, and volunteering. This visa is also issued for “au pair” stays and for language assistant positions.

How to get a student visa Spain?

To apply for a student visa for Spain, you must meet a series of requirements. The most important of these is already being admitted to an authorized educational institution in Spain. In other words, the first step is to find a school and express your interest in studying there. Only with the admission letter for the course can you start the visa application process.

Another important aspect is proving financial means. It is necessary to demonstrate the equivalent of 100% of the IPREM (Spanish index), which represents around €600 per month in 2024, for the duration of the course.

You will also need to purchase comprehensive health insurance without a waiting period, as we will explain in more detail in the general requirements.

How to prove the student’s means of subsistence

To demonstrate means of subsistence, you can provide evidence such as the Individual Income Tax (IRPF) statement in Brazil, bank statements, information about investments, and savings account balance, among others.

If the student is financially supported by parents

If the student’s parents are providing support, a signed document from them is required, registered with a notary public and with the Hague Apostille, along with their bank statements.

Documents required for a student visa for Spain

  • Completed and signed visa application form.
  • Recent 3×4 color photo with a white background.
  • Original passport valid for up to 6 months after the planned arrival date, with a copy of the data page.
  • Diploma or academic transcript.
  • Proof of residence and voter registration.
  • Admission letter from the Spanish institution, stamped and signed, with course start and end dates.
  • Authorization from legal representatives (for minors).
  • Financial proof.
  • Health insurance without waiting period, deductible, or coverage limit, covering 100% of medical, hospital, and extra-hospital costs, with coverage period equal to or exceeding the visa’s validity.
  • Payment of the visa fee.

For those taking courses longer than 6 months, additional requirements include:

  • Medical certificate proving that you do not have any illness that could affect the public health system in Spain, such as contagious diseases.
  • Criminal record certificate (last 5 years).

How much does the student visa for Spain cost?

When requested at the Spanish consulates in Brazil, the fee is 450 Brazilian reais.

When the application is made in Spain, there is no need to pay any fee. However, you will need to cover the issuance of the TIE (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero), which costs 16,08€. The acquisition of the TIE is required only after the visa approval and applies to courses with a duration longer than 6 months.

It is important to note that these values may be subject to variation.

How does the Spain study visa work

The validity of the student visa for Spain depends on the duration of the course. If the course is more than six months, the visa will come with a validity period of 120 days, and upon arrival in Spain, the student must request the issuance of the Foreigner’s ID Card.

Can I change the tourist visa to a study visa in Spain?

Let’s consider the following situation: someone who visited Spain, applied for a place in an educational institution, and got accepted. In this case, this person can apply for a residence permit for Spain (Permiso de Estancia) without needing to return to their country of origin.

It is essential to highlight that technically, it would not be a visa, as visas are usually requested to enter countries. However, this authorization will only be viable if the person is in the country legally, within the period of up to 180 days.

Student visa: Residence permit

In Spain, the study authorization does not equate to a conventional residence authorization but rather a permit (Permiso de Estancia) granted exclusively to allow the beneficiary to study in the country. The distinction between residence and stay is crucial for applying for Spanish citizenship, as the stay time is not considered for this requirement.

Is it possible to work with a Spanish student visa?

Yes, since the immigration rule reforms in August 2022, this has become possible without the need for any additional procedures. However, individuals can only work a maximum of 30 hours per week, provided that work does not hinder or obstruct their studies. With the changes in the law, restrictions on students entering the job market after completing their studies have also been removed.

Does the time of residence as a student count in the citizenship application?

No, this period of residence in Spain does not count for Spanish citizenship, as explained above.

How much does a 6-month exchange in Spain cost?

The costs of an exchange vary, but here is an average estimate for two sought-after course models in Spain:

Language Exchange: The average investment for a language exchange lasting 6 months is between 400€ and 1,800€, including materials and fees. Don’t forget to consider accommodation expenses, ranging from 400€ for hostel accommodation to 900€ for a host family with full board. For food and transportation, a budget of 30 euros per day is recommended.

Master’s Semester: The cost of a semester of master’s studies for international students at a Spanish university can range from €1,100 to €6,500, depending on the institution and the course. It is worth noting that these amounts do not cover living expenses, such as accommodation, food, and transportation.

Where to apply for a student visa for Spain?

Abroad, it is possible to submit the application at the Consulate or Embassy of Spain nearest to your residence.

The visa can also be requested:

  • Online through the Mercurio platform;
  • Through electronic records, by sending the application to the Immigration Office in Madrid;
  • By mail addressed to the Immigration Office in Madrid;
  • In person at the Immigration Office of the province where the school is located.

How long does it take to get a Spanish student visa?

The visa should be issued within 30 days.

Does the student visa for studying in Spain allow bringing family?

Yes, it is feasible to bring family members, such as a spouse, partner, and/or children under 18, or older ones with any disability. For this, everyone must present the same documentation as the student, along with proof of the family relationship for the family reunification request in Spain. This proof can be provided through a birth or marriage certificate, duly apostilled and with a sworn translation.

Study Visa in Spain: Apply Now

The student visa for Spain is a necessary document not only to start your course but also to meet legal requirements and fully enjoy the educational experience in the Spanish setting. Make sure to initiate the visa application process in advance, gathering all the necessary documentation and following the established procedures to avoid setbacks. If possible, seek the assistance of a professional. Atlantic Bridge has specialists in obtaining residence visas in Spain and Portugal to make your project much simpler and more peaceful. Contact us!

Silvia Resende


Silvia Resende

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